XiSearch content tools

  • Ultimate inbuilt search

    Complete site search solution with XiSearch content tools. Add on-site and on-Internet searches, search for images, videos, Wiki, text translator using XiSearch Ultimate inbuilt search.

  • Smart search bar.

    Enrich you website with XiSearch content tools. You can easily add on-site and on-Internet searches, search for images, videos, Wiki, text translator with XiSearch smart search bar.

  • Content hint.

    XiSearch Content hint gives immidiate access to the useful information. Hint is a part of XiSearch tools goes together with the bar and can be installed and used separately.

  • Elegant, Simply and Attractive.

    • 42 predefined color themes + color customization for Ultimate inbuilt search
    • multilingual
    • flexible location & sizes

XiSearch content tools: Why do you need them?

All the developers and holders of the sites wonder how to attract the site’s visitors. Though to bring the site’s visitors - it is half the trouble. How to wake their interest in the site itself so that users spend as much time on the site as possible and then come back without fail? Even the interesting matters will not make a visitor stay-he will intend to learn more on the subject, will go on data search and will disappear.

How these bottleneck issues to be solved? XiSearch tools will assist you – they are a bar and a content hint, which bring the search just to a visitor providing all additional materials without leaving a site. Here one can find on-site and on-Internet search, search for images, videos, products, search on Wikipedia and text translator. In whole, there is everything that is needed to expand site’s material and to interest a visitor. And after visiting the site with XiSearch content tools, a user will keep in mind that site and will want it back.

Search on you site

Different types of searches on your site: You can easily add on-site and on-Internet searches, search for images, videos, Wiki, text translator.

Themes and positions

Develop your own view of the XiSearch tools: Select your colour of the tools and location of the bar - out of 42 colours and the option of flexible location of the bar on your site.

No Coding!

Only two operation - copy and paste: We do all programming instead of you - what you need is to create your own tools view, to copy and to paste the script on your site.

News and Events

Ultimate inbuilt search

We're glad to present a new search application - Ultimate inbuilt search. This app is created to replace search page content on any website.

Ultimate inbuilt search includes all types of searches like any other XiSearch app and it's really easy to integrate it into a website - copy/paste the script or iframe tag as usual. The application supports 23 languages and has color customization mechanism that allows to adjust Ultimate inbuilt search to any website theme.

Create your website search pages easily and enjoy XiSearch apps,

XiSearch team.

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XiSearch is Microsoft Bizspark project